Artist : Edi Sunarso

Edi Sunarso was born in Salatiga in 1933. At first, he studied painting to Hendra Gunawan, and he learned sculpture at ASRI from 1950 to 1955. After becoming a lecturer at ASRI, he got a chance to study at Visa Bharati University Santiniketan, in India. He was a sculptor, and well known of his monumental works. He was first well known with his art work "Tahanan Politik Tak Dikenal" ( Unknown Political Prisoner ) then won the award of "Public Ballot" at the International Competition in London in 1958 . Then his art works developed into the objects of human deformation in the position of lying and other positions. His adventure in painting was highlighted at the abstract form with the spirit and traditional elements. In many of his monumental art works, the figures were formed in the expressive movement shining the strong spirit. This can be seen in the monument "Selamat Datang" ( Welcome ) in 1962, "Pembebasan Irian Jaya" ( Freeing West Papua ) in 1963, "Dirgantara" ( Sky ) in 1965. In 1957 Edi got an award of Medali Emas ( Gold Medal ) at Karya Ternaik Pameran Seni Rupa Internasional ( Best Works at International Visual Arts Exhibition ) in India, and in 1982 he won Kompetisi Monumen Revolusi 10 November ( Competition of the 10th November Revolution Monument ) in Surabaya. As an artist he joined exhibition in England, Netherlands, France, Italy, and Japan, held by Lembaga Kebudayaan Belanda ( Dutch Cultural Institution ).